Try these nature art ideas to bring the outside in. Good for when you don’t want to mess with a good hair day.
There’s something really nice about having something from nature in your house. It brings a sense of life and rejuvenation with it where you can’t help but smile.
Maybe it’s that, or it could just be that you are at a loss for anything else to put on your walls and nature art seems like the least offensive idea.
Whatever the case, having art that reflects nature on your walls can be as big or small of an endeavor as you would like.
You can DIY your art with actual objects from outside, or you can simply find an art print or painting that reflects what you love about nature.
If you are starting from scratch, here are a few unique nature art ideas to help you get started nature-izing your walls.
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5 Nature Art Ideas
Landscape Painting or Art Print

The absolute easiest route to take, and the route I usually go, is to hang up a landscape painting or art print.
There are thousands of these to choose from in a myriad of styles.
The trick to deciding on just what landscape you should choose comes down to it being personal.
Choose a landscape location that means something to you. Maybe it was the beach that you got married on, or the national park where you had a great family trip, or a meadow where you used to play as a kid.
It doesn’t have to be the exact spot, but something that reminds you of a happy time or place.
My parents still have a lake dock landscape on their wall because it reminds them of the cottage that we all used to go to when we were little with my grandparents.
See, like that.
When buying a landscape painting, you can buy the real deal, but most people don’t. A real painting can be cost prohibitive and a little hard to source something specific.
To make life easy, consider an art print of a painting or even a digital download.
Speaking purely selfishly, I really like digital downloads for their cheapness and the ease at which you can buy them and have them printed in any size and way that you like.
For digital download art, check out Etsy (my shops Here and Here). For framed original art prints, you can buy mine through Fine Art America right on this website, or check out Society6, Redbubble or Minted for others.
For more information, check out my posts How to Print Digital Downloads from Etsy and 5 Easy Ways to Decorate With an Abstract Landscape Painting.

One of the mainstays of home decorating nature art ideas is photography.
You can find visually stunning pieces of nature photography done by professionals, or you can take up the challenge yourself.
If you are going to go the professional route, a big box online retailer like Amazon or Bed Bath and Beyond are your best bets.
If you want an in-between option, check out royalty free stock photography websites like Unsplash, Pixabay or Pexels and download the picture and have it printed at a photo print place – Target Photo, Costco, Shutterfly, etc… Pick up some frames on Amazon or Michaels and you are good to go.
If you want a completely DIY version, get out your trusty iPhone (or whatever smart phone of choice you are using) and start snapping at your local park or even in your backyard. Take far away shots, close-ups, add filters, make them black and white, or whatever you think will fit in with your décor.
Then follow the steps above for printing and framing and you have officially made yourself the next Ansel Adams.
Leaf Printing
Think this feels a little kid’s craft table?
Here me out…this can be one of the easiest DIY nature art ideas that you are going to come across that can also be fun to do. You can even involve your kids.
Find some sophisticated versions online that you want to emulate and then head outside to collect your subject matter.
Collect leaves of different sizes and shapes and bring them inside. The fresher the better since dry leaves will just crumble and break on you.
Slap some acrylic paint in your color choice on the back and press them onto some nice art paper and you have yourself some instant nature art!
If you are a newbie, stick to one color and one or two leaves per image. Just makes things easier and they look fancier that way.
You can even sign it illegibly on the bottom if you are feeling extra proud of your new-found skills. 😊
Storey has a fancy ink based tutorial and A Piece of Rainbow has a simple DIY method with paint.
Botanical Illustrations

Botanical illustrations have certainly had a few moments on the home décor stage.
They are one of the best nature art ideas because they are timeless and they usually blend in with any home décor style.
For the uninitiated, botanical illustrations are scientific depictions of plants, flowers, etc… and their parts. They are from scientific journal and texts that have educational purposes.
Good news for you since you can usually get access to a lot of these for free and then just get them printed and framed – instructions above.
Check out this article about the Biodiversity Heritage Library and their Flickr account.
If you do not want to get into sourcing botanical illustrations from a mountain of images, consider looking for digital downloads or already printed images that you can buy.
Etsy again for digital downloads (this one and this one from my shop I really like) and Amazon and Bed Bath and Beyond for already printed illustrations.
Nature Collage
Similar to leaf printing, but more 3D in nature – pun intended.
Nature collage is pretty self-explanatory.
Collect small objects from outside – pebbles, leaves, twigs, acorns, etc… and get out the tape, sticky paper, or glue gun and affix them to a sturdy piece of paper.
Then frame it all up in a shadow box.
This again may seem like one of those kid’s nature art ideas, but this can end up being very adult level pretty if you do it right.
For inspiration, check out this website.
Unique Nature Art Ideas For Your Walls
You don’t have to spend a lot of money or be overly artistic to bring a bit of nature inside and have it on your wall year round.
There is the traditional route with paintings and art prints, but you can also go crafty and make a collage or leaf print fairly easily.
If you’re like me and you prefer to have your nature on your walls instead of being immersed in it with all the bugs and mud, then try one of these nature art ideas above and light a freshly cut grass candle for all the ambiance you’ll ever need.